


町田市立小中一貫ゆくのき学園ホームページへようこそ 「ゆくのき学園」は今から11年前、大戸小学校と武蔵岡中学校が小学校校舎を中心とした施設一体型小中一貫校として誕生しました。
町田市最西部に位置し、自然豊かな環境や地域の古き良き伝統に包まれ、近隣の教育機関とも連携しながら児童生徒は毎日のびのびと生活しています。 小学校は担任と専科(副担任)、中学校は二人担任制に加え各学年副担任がそれぞれしっかり連携し、全学年単クラスを複数の教員がきめ細やかな指導に当たります。

Welcome to Machida Municipal Elementary and Junior High School Consistent Yukunoki Gakuen Homepage "Yukunoki Gakuen" was established 11 years ago by Oto Elementary School and Musashioka Junior High School as an integrated elementary and junior high school centered on the elementary school building.
Located in the westernmost part of Machida City, surrounded by a rich natural environment and good old traditions of the region, students live freely every day in cooperation with nearby educational institutions. In elementary school, there is a homeroom teacher and a special course (deputy homeroom teacher), and in junior high school, in addition to a two-person homeroom teacher system, the deputy homeroom teachers for each grade work closely together,and multiple teachers provide detailed guidance for each grade. In addition, 1st to 9th graders make effective use of the two school buildings, the schoolyard, and the pool, and by working together on each annual event, we are building a tradition as an integrated school. The school is promoting community-based educational activities with the support of various educational activities, including environmental education, from local organizations.
We continue to promote the practice of inquiry activities for children and students through various activities. In addition, we continue toutilize the strengths of the integrated elementary and junior high school, further improve the goodness of children and students, and all the faculty and staff will work together with the community to promote educational activities.